Monday, August 10, 2009

Haiku cycles


Lesson number one
Hurry is for city folk
I enjoy the view

Lesson number two
Scenery is dangerous
Eyes on the road yo

Lesson number three
Stay away from sandy roads
Camp on solid ground


Yellowstone River
Savannah canyons badlands
Ethel's eastern trail

Stolen land not mine
Prairie still speaks in cloud sign
Falling on deaf eyes

Gay grassland puff crowned
Challengers mass to the west
Light spears stab the plain

Golden hills blanch gray
Grass and livestock bow meek heads
Mordor approaches

Pungent wet asphalt
We're at sixty losing ground
Something ate the sun

At dusk fat drops splat
Wind howls and Ethel struggles
But skies north are pink

Rain spent clouds retreat
Rose skies promise stars later
I camp and heat soup

1 comment:

  1. #2 is wonderful! Don't limit yourself to haiku--try some other forms, too.
